[Returns: -10%] Timberflor Plant Pot 40 x 80 x 40 cm Brown

£ 133.99
Original price: £ 149.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 52032497
Timberflor Plant Pot 40 x 80 x 40 cm Brown
£ 133.99
Original price: £ 149.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • For inside and outside: decorative square planter

  • Timeless simplicity: Japanese Zen design with a brown wood look

  • Extremely solid: fiberglass, fiberton and magnesium blend


  • Suitable for direct planting or as a planter
  • Safe stance even in strong wind
  • Splinter- and crack-free perforation for outdoor installation
Product number: 52032497

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 40 x 80 x 40 cm (WxHxD)

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x vessel
  • Delivery without user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
9 Ratings

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C'est une super imitation bois... et l'emballage est exceptionnel (aucun risque de casse ou d'ébréchure) MERCI

This is a great imitation wood... and the packaging is exceptional (no risk of breakage or chipping) THANK YOU


Tolle Optik, robustes Material Schon aus wenigen Metern Entfernung meint man einen Pflanzentrog aus Holz zu haben

Great look, robust material Even from a few meters away you think you have a plant trough made of wood


Planter was very good

Planter was very good


Bin sehr zufrieden. Gefällt mir sehr gut,habe selbst die Wasserabzugloecher gebohrt.Passt sehr gut zum Ambiente.

I am very satisfied. I like it a lot, I drilled the drainage holes myself. It fits in very well with the ambience.


Buh Top

Buh Top


Wunderschön Ich habe diesen Pflanzkübel für die Terasse bestellt. Er wurde sehr schnell und gut verpackt geliefert. Natürlich passen auf Grund der Größe Unmengen Erde hinein. Inzwischen habe ich ihn bepflanzt und es ist ein richtiges Schmuckstück geworden, für das ich schon bewundert wurde. Der Kübel wirkt sehr edel aber auch natürlich. Ich werde demnächst noch einen zweiten bestellen. Das Geld lohnt sich in diesem Fall wirklich zu investieren.

Beautiful I ordered this planter for the terrace. It was delivered very quickly and well packaged. Of course, because of its size, it can hold huge amounts of soil. I have now planted it and it has become a real gem, for which I have already been admired. The planter looks very classy but also natural. I will be ordering a second one soon. In this case, the money is really worth investing.


Ein sehr schöner Pflanzkübel Ich habe den Pflanzkübel als Stand für einen Briefkasten benutzt. Der Kübel ist sehr stabil und als Standfuß extrem gut geeignet. Der Briefkasten hat festen Stand und im Frühjahr kann er noch bepflanzt werden. Optisch ein echter Hingucker.

A very nice planter. I used the planter as a stand for a mailbox. The planter is very stable and is extremely well suited as a stand. The mailbox has a firm base and can still be planted in the spring. Visually, it is a real eye-catcher.


Pflanztrog mit sehr guter Optik Der Pflanztrog ist angenehm leicht und trotzdem stabil. Ein kleines Manko hat er, der Boden ist nicht hundertprozentig eben, sodaß er beim Anfassen leicht wackelt. Leider muss ich nach einem Jahr feststellen, dass die Kräuter nicht gut gut gedeien und auch das auslaufende Wasser die Platten unter dem Kübel verfärben.

Plant trough with a very good look The plant trough is pleasantly light and yet stable. It does have one small drawback: the base is not 100% flat, so it wobbles slightly when touched. Unfortunately, after a year I have to say that the herbs are not growing well and the water that leaks out is discoloring the plates under the planter.


Encantada con esta compra, la maceta es perfecta para cualquier jardin que quiera mantener un aspecto natural. Está hecha de fibra de vidrio y esto hace que sea mas ligera para transportarla, ademas de robusto. El aspecto exterior es imitación madera y si no fuera porque al tocarla te darías cuentas, cualquiera diría que es otro material. Lo que mas me ha gustado ha sido la calidad que tiene, se le ve muy resistente y diría ideal para aquellas zona donde hay mucho viento, con estas non habrá mas días de flores volcadas. Es bastante profundo asi que hay que pensar que necesita mucha tierra para rellenarla esto implica que es necesario posicionarla ya donde se desea ponerla y luego proceder al llenado. Personalmente me hubiera gustado que llevara unos agujeros en el fondo para facilitar el drenaje del agua y evitar que se estanque. He preferido no hacerlos yo para evitar que se pueda dañar.

I am delighted with this purchase. The pot is perfect for any garden that wants to maintain a natural look. It is made of fibreglass and this makes it lighter to carry, as well as being robust. The exterior appearance is imitation wood and if it weren't for the fact that you would notice it when you touch it, anyone would say it is made of another material. What I liked most was the quality it has, it looks very resistant and I would say it is ideal for those areas where there is a lot of wind, with these there will be no more days of overturned flowers. It is quite deep so you have to think that it needs a lot of soil to fill it, this implies that it is necessary to position it where you want to put it and then proceed to fill it. Personally I would have liked it to have some holes in the bottom to facilitate the drainage of water and prevent it from stagnating. I preferred not to make them myself to avoid damage.