[Returns: -10%] Dark Wave Stand Infrared Radiant Heater

£ 268.99
Original price: £ 299.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 52033811
Dark Wave Stand Infrared Radiant Heater
£ 268.99
Original price: £ 299.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Practical heat: IR ComfortHeat warms you and your guests with healthy infrared rays

  • Powerful: 2000 watt strong infrared heating element

  • Extremely low glare: gold-coated carbon tube with MinimalGlare Heating Tube technology for minimal light intensity


  • On/off switch on the rear of the unit via the toggle switch
  • Power: 2000 watts
  • Effective area: up to 40 m²
  • Effective range: approx. 2 - 4 m
  • Protection class: IP65
  • 9 heat settings
  • Switch-off timer up to 24 hours
  • Housing: die-cast aluminium
  • High-targeting accuracy of the heat emission
  • Easy to mount on the wall with enclosed wall brackets, screws and plugs
  • Takes up no space, as it is mounted at a height of at least 1.80 m
  • Infrared heat: targeted heat emission to people and objects and not the surrounding air
  • Telescopic base
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ / 50-60 Hz
Product number: 52033811

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Radiant heater dimensions: approx. 82 x 13 x 11 cm (WxHxD)
  • Base dimensions: approx. 86.5 x 110 to 178 cm (ØxH)
  • Cable length: approx. 180 cm
  • Radiant heater weight: approx. 2.5 kg
  • Base weight: approx. 3.6 kg
  • Total weight: approx. 6.1 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x infrared radiant heater
  • 1 x wall mounting material
  • 1 x base
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
19 Ratings

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Für das Geld nicht schlecht Leider ist die Montage Anleitung etwas dürftig. Außerdem werden die Heizspiralen nicht gleichmäßig beheizt, sondern links und rechts fehlen jeweils ein paar Zentimeter. Ist das normal?

Not bad for the money. Unfortunately, the assembly instructions are a bit poor. In addition, the heating coils are not heated evenly, but are missing a few centimeters on the left and right. Is that normal?


Perfekt auch für drinnen, besser als ein Infrarotpaneel! Ich nutze ihn als Zusatzheizung am Sofa. Da reicht Stufe 1 (200Watt) oder Stufe 2 (400Watt) võllig aus. Sehr angenehme Wärme und leuchtet bis Stufe 3 auch nicht. Das 600 Watt Infrarotpaneel, das ich vorher hatte brauchte viel länger und wärmt auch nicht so punktgenau wo ich sitze wie dieser Heizer. Ich hoffe er lebt lange!

Perfect for indoors too, better than an infrared panel! I use it as additional heating on the sofa. Level 1 (200 watts) or level 2 (400 watts) is more than enough. Very pleasant warmth and doesn't light up until level 3. The 600 watt infrared panel that I had before took much longer and doesn't heat as precisely where I'm sitting as this heater does. I hope it lasts a long time!


leistet gute Dienste Alles bestens, man kann bei kühlen Teperaturen gemütlich sitzen

does a good job Everything is great, you can sit comfortably in cool temperatures


Den geb ich nicht mehr her Optimal für Homeoffice am Schreibtisch. Nutze ihn in Stufe 1 und das reicht schon völlig aus. Das Teil ist ordentlich verarbeitet, die Montage war einfach.

I won't give it away anymore. Perfect for home office at the desk. I use it on level 1 and that's more than enough. The part is well made and assembly was easy.


Zehr gut Zehr zufrieden korekkt und genauso wie beschrieben Ist

Zehr good Zehr satisfied correct and exactly as described


L’ho preso due inverni fa per il mio cane. È super, lo consiglio a tutti. L’ho tenuto accesa tutte le sere per mesi e mesi. Sono molto contenta per come funziona

I got it two winters ago for my dog. It's great, I recommend it to everyone. I've had it on every night for months and months. I'm very happy with how it works


soddisfa egregiamente le aspettative, ha un rapporto qualità prezzo molto buono.

It meets expectations very well and has a very good quality/price ratio.


Scalda un sacco peccato che ormai la corrente costi troppo

It heats up a lot, it's a shame that electricity costs too much nowadays


Pur non facendo miracoli consente di sfruttare il balcone anche durante le sere autunnali / invernali. Emana un piacevole tepore. Se la temperatura esterna è molto bassa occorre stare abbastanza vicini, altrimenti il tepore si sente anche a distanza. Ingombrante, ma non eccessivamente, si monta con facilità.

Even if it doesn't work miracles, it allows you to use the balcony even during autumn/winter evenings. It gives off a pleasant warmth. If the outside temperature is very low, you need to be quite close, otherwise the warmth can be felt even from a distance. Bulky, but not excessively, it is easy to assemble.


riscalda bene

heats well


Heizstrahler Sehr schnelle Lieferung.Das Gerät funktioniert sehr gut, mit der Fernbedienung lassen sich alle Heizstufen problemlos schalten.

Radiant heater Very fast delivery. The device works very well, all heating levels can be easily switched with the remote control.


Gut Macht was es soll

Good Does What It Should


Fa il suo dovere e il telecomando lo rende anche comodo da usare

It does its job and the remote control makes it convenient to use too.


Finalmente posso fumare sul balcone stando al caldo! Sono molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto. Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo!! Consigliato!!

Finally I can smoke on the balcony while staying warm! I am very satisfied with the purchase. Excellent value for money!! Recommended!!


Ha buona regolazione di potenza! Metto al minimo e lo stesso mantiene stanza calda, al massimo si può arrostire il pollo)) Tutto perfetto tra né istruzioni di montaggio ( fa confondere). Non fa tanta luce come stufa alogena, al minimo non si vede proprio.

It has good power regulation! I put it on minimum and it still keeps the room warm, at maximum you can roast chicken)) Everything perfect between the assembly instructions (it makes you confused). It doesn't give off as much light as a halogen heater, at minimum you can't see it at all.


Viel Wärme Der Strahler ist sehr gut ebenso die Fernbedienung Mein Negativpunkt gilt dem dazugehörigen Ständer, der lässt sich nicht soweit als ich dachte nur so um 2 m.

Lots of warmth The radiator is very good as is the remote control. My negative point is the stand that comes with it, it doesn't go as far as I thought, only about 2 m.


Soddisfatta, proprio ciò che cercavo! Scalda alla perfezione e in fretta il mio garage, dove posso allenarmi senza più avere freddo

Satisfied, just what I was looking for! It heats my garage perfectly and quickly, where I can train without feeling cold anymore


Dopo una settimana di utilizzo penso di avere fatto proprio un'ottima scelta. Ammetto di non averla fissata a parete, perché preferisco utilizzarla in più punti della casa (2 verande), ma nella confezione ci sono dei ganci di fissaggio abbastanza facili da montare. A differenza del classico "fungo" che si vede in giro nei locali, necessita di una piccola base di appoggio o fissaggio, ma basta una mensola o un piano qualsiasi se non la si vuole ancorare. Come consumo massimo assorbe 2000W, ma raggiunge subito una temperatura di confort anche se non messa al massimo della potenza (ovviamente dipende dalla temperatura esterna e dalla distanza di montaggio), si può modificare a piacimento con un piccolo telecomando. Una cosa che mi ha colpito è che è dotata di una tecnologia che riduce al minimo il tipico bagliore rosso, senza entrare in contrasto con le luci dell'ambiente e l'atmosfera.

After a week of use I think I made a really good choice. I admit I didn't fix it to the wall, because I prefer to use it in multiple places in the house (2 verandas), but in the package there are some fixing hooks that are quite easy to assemble. Unlike the classic "mushroom" that you see around the rooms, it needs a small support or fixing base, but a shelf or any surface will do if you don't want to anchor it. As for maximum consumption it absorbs 2000W, but it immediately reaches a comfortable temperature even if not set to maximum power (obviously it depends on the outside temperature and the mounting distance), you can change it as you like with a small remote control. One thing that struck me is that it is equipped with a technology that reduces the typical red glow to a minimum, without clashing with the ambient lights and the atmosphere.


Ottimo prodotto, elegante, non ingombrante, con diversi livelli di regolazione gestibili comodamente dal telelecomando. La versione con piedistallo permette di posizionarlo dove è più utile in quel momento. Noi lo utilizziamo su un terrazzo nelle serate più freschi

Excellent product, elegant, not bulky, with different levels of adjustment that can be managed conveniently from the remote control. The version with pedestal allows you to position it where it is most useful at that moment. We use it on a terrace on cooler evenings