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A parasol for endless hours of sunshine

Relax in the shade

There's nothing like glorious sunshine - especially in summer. If the midday sun is too strong for you, if you want to let your kids play in the shade, or if you find it generally too warm in the blazing sun, garden parasols and garden umbrellas are the perfect solutions. Available in various colours and shapes, you can choose between hanging baskets and regular parasols for your garden, terrace and balcony. Decision-making tips and matching accessories are available in addition as well!

Buying an overhanging parasol or sun umbrella? Following the overview!​

The overhanging parasol: features and characteristics

The overhanging parasol is a type of parasol without a central pole. Here, the pole and handle are located on the side, allowing the parasol to hang freely over the shaded area and giving it its synonym of "free-standing parasol". This essential difference to the conventional parasol or garden umbrella is at the same time its greatest advantage - although stability and steadiness are of particular relevance here.

To the overhanging parasols
The overhanging parasol

Buying an overhanging parasol or garden umbrella? Get the full picture!


  • The side pole gives you a much larger shaded area for more people or larger furniture underneath
  • In a social gathering, you do not have a parasol stand in the middle and thus have a clear view of guests and surroundings
  • You can turn the umbrella flexibly and thus also protect yourself from lateral sunlight
  • Alternatively, you can also attach the garden parasol to the wall of the house, making it suitable for balconies


  • Its free-hanging umbrella can make it more vulnerable to the wind
  • The parasol stand must be even more stable and heavier due to the overload of the umbrella
  • Its contemporary look does not suit every garden style

Purist elegance in grey: blumfeldt Belo Horizonte overhanging parasol

With its robust aluminium base, intuitive crank handle and coated polyester shade, our blumfeldt Belo Horizonte garden parasol is an effective and robust sun and rain protection. Easy to assemble and adjustable in height, it invites you to spend many hours in your garden during summer.

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blumfeldt Belo Horizonte Parasol 292cm Polyester UV30 Water-Repellent Grey

Inviting sunshade in cream: blumfeldt Belo Horizonte overhanging parasol

Would you prefer a somewhat lighter and more summery version of our overhanging parasols? Nothing easier than that! Just as stable, weatherproof and reliable with a UV protection factor of 30+, our Belo Horizonte will accompany you through all the sunny hours and offer you and your family a generous shady spot to relax.

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blumfeldt Belo Horizonte Parasol 292cm Polyester UV30 Water-Repellent Cream

Another model of the overhanging parasol:
Rectangular, practical, beautiful

Our overhanging parasols are particularly suitable for balconies or for side sunlight on terraces. Available in many colours and sizes, you're sure to find the right model to enhance your outdoor lounge with some comforting shade or privacy.

The garden umbrella: Features and characteristics

The most traditional garden parasol comes with a pole in the middle of the parasol. The sun umbrella, as it is also called, has its base in the centre. Its umbrella is stretched across the top in the middle. Particularly suitable for garden tables with a central hole, it forms the heart of your garden as a stable shade provider.

To the garden umbrellas
garden umbrella

The blumfeldt parasol test


  • Its central mast construction makes it particularly stable
  • Its classic appearance is suitable for almost any garden style
  • Opening and closing by stretching the umbrella up and down is faster than cranking the overhanging parasol


  • Free-standing, its umbrella stand can become a potential pitfall​
  • Its centre pole can interfere with your view​

Shady chic in grey: blumfeldt Twin Peaks parasol

Its huge and water-repellent sunshade offers you and your guests a UV light protection factor of 50 and thus many hours together in pleasant shade. Adjustable by a full 40 cm and with a clearance height of 2 metres, it is also the right choice for particularly tall shade lovers.

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blumfeldt Twin Peaks parasol

Bright garden umbrella in cream: blumfeldt Twin Peaks parasol

Stylish, uncomplicated and reliable: Our cream-coloured version of the Twin Peaks parasol is like a perfect lunch date, inviting you to relax in the midday sun - and thanks to its 50 UV light protection factor and waterproof cover, it not only protects you from sunburn, but also from summer rain.

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blumfeldt Twin Peaks parasol

Find the matching accessories for the garden umbrella

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